PIC17CXX Instruction Set


Syntax : TABLWT t,i,f

Description : 1. Data from file register 'f' is written into the 16-bit
                 table latch (TBLAT).
                 If 't' is 0, the low byte is written.
                 If 't' is 1, the high byte is written.
               2. The contents of TBLAT is written to the program memory 
                  location pointed by TBLPTR. If TBLPTR points to external
                  program memory location, then the instruction takes 2 cycles.
                  If TBLPTR points to internal EPROm location, then the 
                  instruction is terminated when an interrupt is received.  
               3. The TBLPTR is incremented if i=1.

Function   :  If t=1 then f → TBLATH,
              If t=0 then f → TBLATL,
              TBLAT → Prog mem(TBLPTR),
              If i=1 then TBLPTR + 1 → TBLPTR						      

Hex code : A4ff

Bit field:
1010 11ti ffff ffff

Words : 1

Cycles : 2 (many if write is to on-chip EPROM program memory)

Affected flags : None

See also : TABLRD,   TLRD,   TLWT
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